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beautiful and sad

This was honestly a great game! The art style, the music, the story just fit together so well like a puzzle and emphasised each other really well and made the game really whole as well as really fun to play. (Video down below!)

The gameplay is really simple yet, it's super fun to explore the dark and scary house, and the reason to save the cat is really strong and makes the player both want to explore as well as give them a reason to do so, which I think was very well done. 

The contrast between the room where Meowmie is in and the outside was very apparent and again, really well done and set the tone immediately where inside the player is safe and the outside is an unsafe world. It was a good contrast and transition. The enemies; the skulls and the invisible giant ghost cat was also really well done and were both very spooky in their own rights and ways.

The story was also really well written and woven into the game. I think I started ot understand what was happening halfway through the game, and it really made sense and playing the rest of the game gave that satisfaction of finding the story and piecing it all together. 

All in all, you guys have made a great game by intricately weaving the story, gameplay, music and art into one very well made and very solid game that is one of the best games in this site. Great job and well done! (Sorry for the lag, I had turned of GPU acceleration, and hence it was laggy.)

nice game though


this was scary and sad I didn't know if i should panic or cry

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the first time i saw the skull i just immidiately closed the tab

edit: just finished it, pretty sad

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same haha!

Such a cute game! And terrifying obviously lol. My shoulder is all stiff from being tensed up that whole time XD

im...i didn't expect this at all... im crying so you...and goodnight meowmie....

Deleted post



it's very rare that i get an emotional response with media. its just how i am. but this made me break down and cry on call with my best friend. even she was caught off guard by it.

this game is brilliant, especially for being made in 72 hours. the sound design made me immediately fall in love with meowmie, the "difficult" sections weren't frustratingly hard, and the story brought me to tears.

i love this. thank you two.


What a lovely and innocent time I had playing this cute cat game.  Surely ai will sleep for many hours tonight.


Love your energy!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. :{D


*surely ai will sleep for many hours tonight* intellegince will sleep? xD


Precisely! X{D


literally THANK YOU for this walkthrough. i'm genuinely scared of jumpscares but really wanna know the game plot


I totally get that. My pleasure!

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Hol up

OMG this game is so beautiful ahhhhh


This game was so good...I had back some memories of my first cat and...I  just cried a little bit while recording...

Thanks for the game :) ..btw here is my video

The gameplay is in Portuguese


Its nice until you walk out the door.

It's super cute until the end. Poor Meowmie.

Great story! Poor Meowmie though, may his soul rest in peace! 


i cried :c this was too sad :c


meowmie forever T___T


i cried. 10/10


Ima cry- I thought this was a cute game, then I thought horror- now ima cryy

Ok but what's with the room with the 2 skulls? o:
I played the game 2 times and couldn't figure out if there was a secret!

I think it's just to show the players (if they haven't wandered too close yet) that they shouldn't get too close to the skulls.


Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here:


1. Very very cute. The art s tyle is adorable and Meowmie is just the best!

2. So scary! I didn't expect that at all. I got spooked real good  a couple of times. Nicely done!

3. The story is deeper than is seems at a first glance. Such a wonderful game!


1. I would like some more info about the main character. Because it strange how we need to feed Meowmie, but we don't need to eat at all. Or that the main character sleeps the whole day and wakes up just to feed the cat. Though, I get that this would be a bit off topic.

2. Maybe if the game would be a bit longer that would be wonderful! I just want more of this awesome project!

Overall: this is one of my favorite games on now! I adore everything about it! 5/5.

Hope my feedback was useful!

one day maybe your games will have a windows built to stay forever in my usb stick best games....

rest in peace meomie


I came here to get scared no cry


this is so sad :(


...I'm not crying, *sniffle* you are!

Deleted post

such a sweet game ;-; i cried so much at the end :

bravo! incredibly well done game. i've had cats my whole life, so of course this just hit right where it hurts. i just spent the last few minutes crying, but that's not gonna stop me from leaving a good review.


sad and cute


Loved it <3 As a cat lover, I can really relate to this. I had 5 kittens, all of them died from a certain disease that I forgot the name. Thank you for making this wonderful game <3


this game is so beautiful, for a moment I thought
 it would be horror but the ending was very incredible, beautiful 
game even made me cry

I finished the game. Then I restarted it just so they can be in the "play" animation forever. This and Goodnight Doggy are two of the sweetest, saddest games I've had the pleasure of playing. I was gonna stop playing until Meowmie went missing. Then I was like "Screw these demons, I'm going to get my cat!" Bravo, DDRKirby(ISQ).


hit me in the heart. i feel like this is related to something that happened to you.

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I'm crying horribly right now, and the fact that im a huge cat lover, im literally drowning in my tears ;( :C >;C Edit: I've been crying for 10 minutes now


omg same. As soon as that gray scene started, I just bawled. That was too real, hit all the points. I snuggled my cat after. Still crying.


Im crying a lot in this moment

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