Demo v0.32.1

The Rhythm Quest Demo has been updated to version 0.32.1!  This patch includes some bugfixes and finally allows you to pause the game in the middle of a respawn.

Full changelog:

Version 0.32.1
- Allow pausing during respawn (finally)
- Fixed pause music continuing to play after exiting practice mode
- Fixed music desync when pausing during level 1-1 tutorial
- Attempt to handle audio device resets/changes by restarting music
- Fixed minor menu navigation issues
- Fixed some text strings
Version 0.32.0
- Added track preview, practice mode, track freeze assist features
- Added assist prompt when failing a section too many times
- Added control settings to in-game menu
- Added setting to enable/disable coin collection chime
- Tweaked/increased respawn timing
- Increase coin loss on respawn
- Decrease coin bank amount on checkpoint
- Fixed pause drum loop played after unpause
- Fixed pause drum loop synchronization issues when music speed was altered
- Fixed missing blur screen filter description
- Fixed jump arc calculations
- Fixed doublehitenemies always awarding coins even after respawn
- Fixed wrong ghost helper beat-matched sprite colors for second helper
- Fixed beat-matched colors not updating correctly via in-game menu
- Fixed visual hitch for ghost helpers on respawn
- Fixed keyboard rebinding not being available on web build
- Updated localizations

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